Week 10 Remembrance Day
The start to our week really encompassed our Christian value, Compassion and allowed us to take a moment to reflect.
As a whole school community, we gathered together to observe a two minute silence.
Throughout the day we took time to refelct further by taking part in different activities from poppy painting, fine motor activities and creating poppy field pictures.
"Mrs Brown, look at my field of poppies!"
After waiting patiently for our Diva lamps to dry, we finally got to add the finishing touches to them and added our sequins!! We loved deciding what colours to add but for some of us we found the glue a little bit too sticky!! As we carefully stuck the sequins around our candle holder, our Diva lamps were soon shining brightly and we're sure you'll agree they are the perfect candle holder for the festival of light!
"My hands are too sticky, yuck!"
Despite the weather turning colder this week, it certainly didn't deter Robins from spending time in our outside area and on Tuesday morning they enjoyed exploring the outdoor kitchen, cooking up a storm! We were fully equipped with our waterproofs from top to bottom on, did that stop us getting slightly wet?....no....but did we have fun?...yes!!!
As the cold settled in, Robins knew exactly what they needed to do. It was time to make some blackcurrant tea and they knew exactly what to do, into the water went a little red and a little blue, with a bit of whisking we soon had some delicious blackcurrant tea, ready to drink! Yummy!
The kitchen was well and truly in action and it was time for the cupcake mix to be spooned into the cupcake tin and these weren't just any cupcakes they were Robins specialty blue cupcakes!
Despite having a wonderful morning outside it was time for us to dry off and warm up inside, our hands were freezing from all that cooking!!!!
In Maths this week we continued to engage with activities centered around counting to find out 'how many' objects there were altogether. We focused mainly this week on number 5, exploring different ways to represent it and even learnt a new song 'Five little peas', which we absolutely loved! Why not have a go at singing it at home?
"Five little peas in a pea pod pressed. One grew, two grew and so did all the rest. They grew and they grew and they did not stop! Until one day the pod went pop!"
On Tuesday we enjoyed discussing what was meant by a High 5! We then created our very own High 5 and placed objects on each of the fingers to created different High 5's, from those that could have any objects we wanted, to only yellow objects, 5 vehicles to 5 animals, we had lots of fun making 5 in lots of different ways!
As we near the end of our Little Red Hen Talk 4 Writing sessions, Robins are showing increasing confidence when performing the story and this week we used our story spoons as well as our Talk 4 Writing actions to retell the story and it was superb, well done Robins! It is lovely to see how the children's confidence continues to blossom as the year progresses and how supportive they are of each other, what a truly lovely community we have built within Robins!
This week we got to put a new activity on our timetable, which brought much excitement into Robins! Our new activity also had a rather funny name.....'Purple Mash' What could this possibly be? It was lovely to see that so many Robins have already explored it at home after being sent their logins last week and this week most of us got the chance to login and create our avatars, for those that haven't we will be doing it next week so don't worry!
Purple Mash will be used for our computing lessons and over the year we will be exploring it further together and having a look at how to use some of it's features but first we will be becoming really confident at logging on!
We are thinking of renaming Wednesday to something more apt – Wow Wednesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Whizz by Wednesday, where did the day go Wednesday or Worn out Wednesday – as I am sure that is how most of us were feeling by the end of the day.
Wednesday morning by 9.00 we were all in the hall for Whole School Worship with Rev. Mike, after worship it was back into the hall for our first gymnastic session with Anita (we were amazing, even Anita said so!!!!), then before we knew it, it seemed like we were having lunch, then enjoying Pantomimus then heading home!!!!! Of course in between these wonderful things we did manage to fit in reading and phonics and choosing time but even so – the day was over in the blink of an eye.
Thursday was back to a more gentle and familiar routine, the usual phonics, reading, choosing, worship, snack, maths, lunch, french, and of course our very first session of Show and Tell (did I really just say gentle, as I am typing this and reading it back, it doesn't sound gentle, it sounds jam packed). Even though we do Show and Tell every year, we pretty much let the children lead the direction of the lesson and it is always fascinating to see which way it goes.
First we had a beautiful glass pink diamond that had been bought during a trip to the beach. We then opened up the floor to questions (we might need to do a little bit more work around what a question is as we had lots of - I really like it!!!!). Anyway, one person asked "What does it feel like?" (Yeeessssss we had a question at last), and the answer was even better...."Well, I will let you hold it so you can find out what it feels like but only if you sit in a circle and pass it round, you can only have one turn each" - myself and Mrs Langford shot each other a glance - wow, it didn't sound like we were needed for this lesson, we could almost sit down and have a cuppa - the Robins were in control of the learning and it was magical. Not only did they each descibe what the diamond felt like they all tried to out do each other with their adjectives. Vocabulary ranged from hard, solid, cold, smooth, pointy, sharpe, beautiful and so on.
Next, we were introduced to Strawberry the hippo who was bought by Grandma. Again, the children were sat in a circle and each had a turn of passing Strawberry around and saying how the hippo felt - soft, fluffy, scratchy, like cotton wool etc.
And finally on Friday - we were dotty, spotty and stripey all for a very good cause, Children in Need. Thank you for supporting us in raising money for this charity. The children have had a great time and have thoroughly enjoyed activities from covering Pudsey's face with pennies to colouring and mask making at lunch time.
NWW New Class photo will be in the paper
21st November
(make sure you buy a copy)
Have a great weekend - hopefully we will see many of you at the Winter Fete tomorrow
Phonics sounds next week will be
z zz qu ch sh