WEEK 7 - 18th October
First, we wanted to say another huge thank you (again), to those of you who contributed so generously to our Harvest collection and to those who were able to join us for our first Church Service. Rev. Mike presented each Robin with their very own Bible and 'officially' welcomed them into the school community.
As we entered the penultimate week before we sign off the first half term in Robins, we began our rainbow writing (letter formation). Although there were no pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, the children were still eager to have a go at developing their pencil hold and carefully begin tracing over the cursive 's' in the colours of the rainbow, just look at how fantastically they got on!
This week in Maths we looked at how numbers can be composed using 1s and started the week investigating number 2. The children loved telling me all the things that we needed 2 of, from 2 shoes to 2 eyes, 2 socks to 2 arms, 2 knees to 2 ears, the list went on! They then went on a number 2 hunt, finding 'another 1' for the item that I had in my bag, so if I had 1 book in my bag, it was their job to find me another 1, 1 book and another 1 makes 2!
We then continued our week by composing number 3 and used the Three Bears to help us! The children helped to find 1 and 1 and 1 to make 3, we soon had 3 objects for all of our bears....great learning Robins!
In Religious Education lessons we have been exploring celebrations and for the last two weeks we have been discussing Harvest so this week Mrs Brown decided to bring in some apples from her apple tree and with hardly any adult support Robins made their very own apple crumble!
From cutting up the apple to then mixing together the flour, sugar and butter Robins did it all! They did however need a little encouragement to get their fingers into the 'sticky' mixture at first but they soon got into it once Mrs Brown had done the 'worst bit' and after lots of crumbling we soon had a lovely crumble mixture to put on top of our apples.
We even had a visit from Ms. Munday and Rascal who promised to come back for a taste of our crumble the next day, which Ms. Munday did!
On Tuesday Robins enjoyed a special treat for snack when they got to enjoy their scrumptious apple crumble at snack time!
Tuesday afternoon can only mean one things in Robins...PE and Robins love it! This week we went on a magical adventure through the mystical forest moving in a variety of ways as we followed our leader but we had to be careful because there was an Ogre in the forest so as soon as we heard the words "Ogre's coming!" we had to freeze! As we made it out of the forest we could finally see the castle but we had to make it across the river first! Robins loved weaving through the cones, leaping over the hurdles and then balancing over the 'river' beams whilst also completing the star and straight actions every time they heard "Ogre's coming"! We eventually made it to the castle, what a journey!
It was great to see Robins show such resilience when balancing along the beams and such lovely team spirit when cheering on their team members, as they raced towards their team members I heard a child say rather breathlessly "Yes, I did it!" with such pride and sense of achievement, well done Robins!
Star Straight
Now, this is going to come as no surprise - Robins absolutely love junk modelling (I think Teddy's parents will need to bring a truck with them soon, his creations are getting bigger and more magnificent each day!!!). Special mention here to Mr and Mrs Higgins (my in laws) who keep us regularly topped up with boxes and pots and all sorts....please keep collecting, they are very much a valuable resource this year!!!! Also, if anyone is into buying shares, I would be buying some in masking tape, we certainly go through it, if anyone has any contacts in a masking tape facory please let us know! In all seriousness, the conversations and creativity that are displayed around the creation staion table are suberb, the children talk nicely to each other, they wait for resources to become available, they are genuinely complimentary about each others models - they give each other a real confidence boost.
Excuse me please, this is Ms. Munday, I hope you don't mind me hopping onto your blog this week. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed being in Robins on Thursday afternoon. Mrs Higgins headed off to Park House to attend a sporting event with some of the Kingfishers, you can read more about that in the newsletter, so whilst Mrs Higgins stepped out, I stepped in and what a treat I had. The Robins were taking part in Write Dance, they told me all about their Write Dance learning last week and their Volcano dance. This week, they told me how the Write Dance people needed to find a new 'forest' in which to live and they had to go on a long journey (the pencil had to move along the paper very slowly in time with the music) the journey was long and winding with lots of twists and turns and whilst the people were travelling they were sure they were being followed by some friendly 'forest' animals. Of course this was the background story to the mark making they produced to the piece of music. I thouroughly enjoy the session and I look forward to hearing more about what happens next. Thank you Robins, I really enjoyed being able to join in and share your learning experience,
And finally, the sun was shinning so we finished our week off with an autumnal walk around the village. It was really realaxing and just what we needed to finish off another busy week.
And finally finally, can you believe it, we have learnt all the sounds in Phase 2 Phonics, next week will be a revisit week and we will be blending, blending, blending. We will send some learning home over the half term to support this as we know how difficult this process is, once the children 'get it', it is like magic - they simply become readers!
Have a great weekend - and don't foget next week is a four day week - no school Friday.