Week14- The week of The Nativity!

There was a sprinkle of magic in the air as we began this week, a sense of excitement as Christmas cheer filled the school hall. The stage was set, the twinkly backdrop was up and the lights were on, this could only mean one thing, the week of our Nativity had arrived!!

But before we begin our magical Nativity let us dive into the beginning of our week, which began filled with talk of a certain princess who lost her glass slipper, who could this possibly be? Cinderella of course! Robins were super excited to learn all about our trip to the pantomime on Friday and to get us ready we decided to learn a little bit about Cinderella, from reading the story to creating some very colourful Cinderella pictures and even creating our very own prince/princess crowns!

The sparkle of festivities continued as we finished our beautiful Christmas tree decorations that are almost ready to be hung from our very own Christmas trees at home! Each and every Robin carefully placed their sequins on their decoration, some minding their fingers getting stuck together a little bit more than others but not letting that stop them making their decorations shine!

Just look how they sparkle!

It was then time for us to practice our sewing skills and what better to practice on than our very own Christmas trees! As we carefully pushed the needing in and out of the material, threading the different coloured 'tinsel' around the tree, they were almost finished! With so much festive magic in the air, anyone would think it was only 2 weeks until Christmas!

Show and Tell on Thursday was fantastic. The language that was generated from a discussion around a visit to Monkey World included questions such as- Do they have sharpe teeth (followed by an explanantion about the importance of canine teeth), do they use their tails to attack predators (the answer was no - they just use their tails for gripping) - the whole session from start to finish was engaging and lively. Thank you for such an interesting topic.

I feel our page this week is a bit jumbled up and we are hopping about on different days but that is because we want to leave the best until last.......

As mentioned earlier. Friday was Panto day. We all got on the coach and headed to Reading for Cinderella. We arrived, took our seats and spent almost two hours with our mouths open wide in awe of the sights, our feet were tapping, our hands were clapping and we had a fantastic time.....and nobody fell asleep. But despite all that action and adventure....what was the best bit.....yes .....we went on a bus!!!!!


And finally - we have to sign off this week with the biggest smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. Wasn't the Nativity magnificent? We could not be prouder of the children - we cannot even put it into words - we just know - it was pure magic! The photos are great but they don't even touch the sides, it's one of those things where you just had to be there - in the moment!

Have a great weekend and see you Monday