Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

At Chaddleworth St. Andrew’s and Shefford Primary Schools, we recognise the importance of supporting our whole school community in creating an open environment where Wellbeing and Mental Health needs are discussed and shared. 

We recognise how critical relationships between staff, children and parents are in promoting wellbeing and a sense of belonging within school. If you have concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please speak initially to your child’s class teacher or your doctor. 

Should your child need more specialised support, you, your doctor or our Senior Leadership Team and SENCo / can make referrals to the services on offer in West Berkshire, these include the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

You will find useful information on these services at 

Please be patient, this referral process can take some time.

You may also find the following links helpful.


Nationwide Support

Online Safety and General Pareting Advice

Try these at home - Mindfulness Exercises