Our whole school worship timetable bring us all together through the school week to share reflective thought, song, prayer and celebration.
Each Monday we use a children's text to focus our thoughts and understanding linked to our Christian Values. Our book choices range from well known classics, to traditional tales to newly published texts. We also refer to the No Outsiders scheme that was introduced to our school in 2024 and it involves the use of age appropriate story books, created by Andrew Moffat MBE, who was nominated for the Global Teacher Prize.
No Outsiders has three core values:
Respect for diversity through education in schools;
Commitment to community cohesion through understanding and acceptance of difference;
Promotion of dialogue to counter fear and hate in society.
You can find more information at the No Outsiders website.
Every Tuesday singing worship brings us back together to share music and song.
Wednesday worship is led by Reverend Mike, again bringing our Christian values to the forefront of our minds. Illustrated through Bible stories, questions, discussion and live music.
Towards the end of each week we come together for class and Key stage worship where we are able to focus on current affairs through Picture News or Bible stories with a BIG question.
Our worship focus and resources are shared with families each week in our weekly newsletter to allow further thought and discussion at home. Newsletters